Directed by Vishnu Mohan, this Malayalam film is set to hit theaters on September 20, 2024. The cast includes notable actors such as Biju Menon, Nikhila Vimal, Anusree, and Methil Devika. The movie is a blend of family and romance genres, focusing on the intricate relationships and emotional journeys of its characters. The musical score is composed by Ashwin Aryan.#KadhaInnuvare#MalayalamCinema#FamilyDrama#RomanticMovie#BijuMenon#NikhilaVimal#Anusree#MethilDevika#VishnuMohan#AshwinAryan#NewRelease2024#MustWatch
Categories: Malayalam Movie
kadhainnuvare, malayalamcinema, familydrama, romanticmovie, bijumenon, nikhilavimal, anusree, methildevika, vishnumohan, ashwinaryan
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